Erotic Massages in Madrid

Enjoy our VIP Escorts in Madrid

Discover the essence of Madrid with our luxury escorts, who offer elegance, education, and an unforgettable experience. Whether it’s for events, trips, or dinners, our companions guarantee unique and personalized moments. Explore exclusive profiles and connect with your ideal companion to transform any occasion into a memorable adventure. With us, every detail matters to ensure your satisfaction and comfort.

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More and more men are interested in  massages . In recent years, the demand for masseuse cutting has increased impressively and this has caused many escort ladies to specialize in this field.
These types of massages are highly requested by men who want to get out of their routine and forget the stress of work and everyday life. It is the best way to  forget about everything and relax in a city like this .

There are many types of messages: erotic massage,  tantric massage , relaxing massage, etc. But all of them with the final mission of  taking you to relaxation and pleasure like you have never known before , what better than to do it with the help of beautiful professional women.

Erotic massage is   an experience that everyone should  try at least once in their life , as it will help you improve your libido and get to know your inner world better.

There is nothing better than  physical contact through caresses  to get to know our partner better and  get closer, increase passion  and take the relationship to a higher level.

The particularity of an erotic massage compared to a normal one is, precisely, that it is  aimed at increasing the excitement of both members of the couple .

Performing a good erotic massage is  an art , and it takes  years of experience to perfect  a technique that gives so much joy. Don’t worry because you will find only  experts in erotic massages .

Girls who know that delicacy lies in pleasure, and that  they will go through your body in a delicious way , little by little and without rushing so that you can enjoy each and every phase of the massage.

Girls  ‘ hands  not only transmit physical well-being, but  they also spread tenderness, affection, care and desire on your skin.  In the midst of this sea of ​​sensations you can understand why it is so relaxing, why the whole body feels, forgetting the outside world for a few hours.

For this massage you have to use  both hands , with  ascending and descending movements but done in a gentle way , there is no rush. Are you going to miss it?

Thanks to the masseuses  specialized in erotic massage,  you will enjoy this spectacular experience and  you will not regret it .

If you want to contact our  luxury escorts in Madrid  you can do so here.

Frequently Asked Questions

All the escorts advertised on our portal are independent, so they are not all together, but each one of them is located at their own residence in different areas of Madrid capital. There are companions in the main areas of Madrid, all of them well-connected:

  • Plaza de Castilla
  • Chamartín (Calle Alberto Alcocer)
  • Barrio de Salamanca
  • Chamberí
  • Atocha

In all these areas, we usually have escorts advertised on the website, and some of them have private apartments to receive you.

However, all the escorts can move to any other area of Madrid or even nearby towns. They have a private chauffeur who can take them to the area you prefer.

The escorts charge a fee for their companionship service that is determined by the duration of the company.

The price for one hour of companionship is 200 €. The companionship can be for attending a dinner at a restaurant, accompanying to an event, for a trip, or just for a private meeting in a hotel.

From that base price, more hours can be hired. For longer services (dinners, trips, parties, etc.), more hours can be hired. In that case, you have to contact the phones on the website so that the escort can offer you a better price per hour.

The most common companionship services of the escorts last for 1 hour, but all of them are available for longer services, for 2 or 3 hours, for entire nights, for several days, and even for trips. Prices for more than one hour are negotiated directly with the companion.

In exceptional cases, for people with limited free time, some of the escorts accept meetings of only half an hour, to get to know each other and consider whether they will arrange a longer meeting in the near future. But this option is only offered by some of the escorts.

If you are looking for a service with a special duration, the best thing to do is to call the phone number on the website and they will inform you without any obligation.

All the companions listed on our web portal make outcalls in Madrid capital. We have a private chauffeur with whom they move. The cost of the outcall is 30 euros (in Madrid capital).

They can also travel to hotels in the towns around Madrid. (Pozuelo, Majadahonda, Alcobendas, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Barajas, Coslada, San Fernando, Torrejón de Ardoz, Alcalá de Henares, etc.). In these cases, the cost depends on the distance to Madrid capital. It will normally be between 40 and 50 euros.

The escorts advertised on this portal have different schedules. Keep in mind that most of them are amateurs and have jobs in other sectors, which they combine with this. Therefore, it is best to contact directly the phone number that appears on the website so that you can be informed of the schedule of each of the companions you are interested in.

Appointments must be arranged at least 1 hour in advance.

The telephone service hours are from 08:00 to 02:00 from Monday to Sunday. You can contact by call, WhatsApp, or Telegram, and we will promptly inform you of the schedules of each escort.

There isn’t a common place where all the escorts receive. They are independent and therefore each one receives their visits in their apartment or private flat. All meetings are organized privately.

However, not all have a private flat to receive. In these cases, our agency takes care of finding a private suite for rent by the hour where the meeting can take place. We usually turn to the company: Luxtal, which has suites in the Chamartín area and also in the Barrio de Salamanca.

You can inquire by phone which escorts have a private flat to receive and which ones use the hourly rental service of suites.

Where to find us

Although many of our escorts travel, you can check directly in your neighborhood in Madrid to find the ideal escort for you.

Contact with us

If you have any questions, wish to contact us or want to communicate with one of our escorts, please use this contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.